These Weird Health Practices from Around the World are Trending
What’s the weirdest health practice you’ve ever heard of? The Philippines have what they call ‘albularyo’ or quack doctor. Thailand has a slapping massage where they slap your face to better the blood flow in your face.
As human as we are, we tend to get an inkling to want to try these ‘crazy’ and very unorthodox health practices just because everyone or someone you know tried it and talked the heck about it. And some people are obsessed about them!
Don’t get me wrong. Some really do work and have great benefits but you really can’t get over the fact that they’re weird health practices.
If you’ve never heard of such things, let us give you a little bit of what we’ve found.
Crystal Bed Therapy

The crystal bed therapy is said to provide spiritual healing. It aligns your chakras (others call it chi) which are the energy centers in your body that produces spiritual energy.
There are seven crystals aligned on top of each of the chakras with colors that match the vibrational frequency of specific chakra colors. This therapy started in Brazil and is said to help cleanse, balance and align your energies. Prices vary from $55/30 mins to $110 per session.

Okay, we all know Japan comes up with some of the craziest things in the world. And, truth be told, most of them are ingeniously brilliant! Well, here’s another one up on the weird and crazy category but we have yet to give this a try to see if it’s brilliant.
Otonomaki or ‘adult wrapping’ has become a huge thing in Japan. Adults who have bad posture have said this to work wonders.

The process is all about recreating the feel of being inside the womb. The client is wrapped tightly but comfortably in a fetal position and gently rocked to bring relaxation and calmness.
Vaginal Steaming

Said to be one of the ancient health practices in Korea, vaginal steaming is the process of sitting on a toilet-like hole with steam coming out from it. Korea is known for being the leading country in cosmetic innovation and vaginal steaming was a practice hundreds of years ago.
Sitting on the holed seat, women are naked from the waist down exposing their private genitals to the tolerable steam. The heat is infused with mugwort which Koreans said to be good for cleansing the blood and improving it’s flow. But, modern gynecologist say the heat can and will damage your private parts so proceed with caution!

Every wine lover will want to give this a try. Vinotherapy is bathing in red wine then getting a body scrub with grape infused scrub and closed with a grape seed oil body massage.
I’m not that big on wine but I would love to give this a try! Thanks, Indonesia, for introducing this to the world!
Hay Bath

You probably have your brows meeting in confusion. I had the exact same reaction. Apparently, hay bath is good for exhaustion, sleep deprivation and even arthritis! You just lay on damp warm hay and let it do the magic!
These are really weird health practices, right? We don’t know if all of them work but you’re more than free to give these a try! Consider the vaginal steaming carefully before you proceed.