These Turkish Beauty Secrets Would Totally Make Your Beauty Regimen a Winner

So we all have been hearing the hype over Korean beauty products. There’s no doubt that they have flawless white porcelain skin and they’re the leading country when it comes to daily skin care.

Consequently, their skin care regimen are also quite expensive, vigorous and extensive. You have to be totally committed and consistent otherwise you waste your money.

Nothing against the Korean skin care regimen. As a matter of fact, I practice some of them myself and they really do work! But, let’s take a look at what the Turkish beauty secrets are. They’re natural and may be a bit more affordable for some depending on your location.

Let’s get to it!

Have you ever wondered how people in the past took care of their skin prior to all these clinically formulated facial items? Everything was from nature. They used what mother nature provided and we’re gonna focus on that right now.

Rose Water

beauty secrets

One of the famous Turkish beauty secrets is the power of 100% rose water. Rose oil has been made for many centuries now but we what we didn’t know is they also made rose water! It’s perfect for women with sensitive skin because of it’s delicate cleaning abilities but might be too strong for women with a sensitive sense of smell.

Infused Vinegar

beauty secrets

It’s not very conventional but vinegar actually cures acne. My sister used apple cider vinegar on her face when she breaks out but it smells so bad. Though infused vinegar would still have a sour smell, Turkish women still use them to naturally treat blemishes. Apple, rose and strawberries are usually the top variants.

Turkish Bath

beauty secrets

What’s a post about Turkish beauty secrets if we don’t mention the famous Turkish bath, right? If you’ve seen one on TV, you’d know that the bath house is very steamy (in a non-sexual way I might add). The heat and steam opens up every pore in your body making it easier to scrub off dirt when you get to the scrubbing part. You leave the bath house with softer and smoother skin! Doing this more often will maintain that softness.

Natural Soaps

beauty secrets

In Turkish bath houses, the use natural soaps for the scrubbing part of the entire experience. Their soaps are infused with coconut oil, olive oil, lavender, sage, chamomile or goats milk. Which are all goo for hydrating the skin. But the use is not limited to the bath house. You can definitely make natural soaps as part of your regular beauty regimen. Your skin will thank you for it.

Other natural essence oils or waters are also part of the Turkish beauty secrets. Lavender water, for one, has awesome renewing abilities. You don’t need to spend a lot of money for clinically formulated products. The nature gives you everything you need. You just need to find the right supplier!

With that, have a BEAUTY-full day!



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