This Polish Artist Turns the Freshest Fruits and Vegetables into Awesome Portraits
Here we have another awesomely amazing artist. Her name is Anna Tokarska from Poland. Anna uses something that we consume every single day for her art. Yup, fruits and vegetables.

Anna is an artist and a photographer who uses our most favorite fresh produce as her main subjects in her art.

She arranges them and positions them perfectly to create realistic looking portraits.

According to her, her works were inspired by the Italian mannerist, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who was famous for still life-portraits.

She also told Bored Panda that her eight portraits took about a month to put together and shoot. All of her subjects were assemble vertically with a height of about 50-80cm.

I am utterly speechless by her creativity. Many of us can’t even cut a fruit or vegetable for eating let alone turn them into a work of art.
These are the kind of art many people would be able to relate to and appreciate especially those (I mean me specifically) who does not understand abstract at all.
I’m not dissing the works of great artists, okay? I happen to be friends with a handful of artists but like they said, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” And, I think it’s the same for art.
If you want to see more of Anna’s work, visit her Facebook page here.