Looking For An Easy Nutritional Breakfast Smoothie?

And The Best Blender To Make It In?

Magic Bullet Blender And SmoothieI am definitely a little bit late on the smoothie train, but now that I have hopped on, I have become a little bit obsessed. It is really all my mother’s fault.

About a month ago she gave me one of those awesome Magic Bullet Blenders and it was all downhill from there, or maybe it is uphill? Since I am now getting more fruit and veggies in my diet than before.

I never made my own breakfast smoothies at home because prior to the Magic Bullet, I found blenders cumbersome and a pain to deal with.

They took up a lot of precious kitchen space, cleaning them was a 10 minute chore itself and measuring everything out to ensure I didn’t make too much or too little was more than my brain wanted to do first thing in the morning.

Of course, smoothies can made anytime of day, but this is about breakfast smoothies.

Magic Bullet BlenderThis is the model of The Magic Bullet Blender I use, pictured above. I love how the cups are perfect for making either a small or large smoothie.

However, they have a few different versions, with more options available. For example, my sister uses the Nutri Bullet.

Needless to say, I now enjoy with ease making my own smoothies. Below is my go to base breakfast smoothie recipe, from there, if I want, I add and switch things up. So easy, seriously.

Please note – I make this in the Magic Bullet Short Cup which is perfect for a personal serving.

Banana Berry Bliss –

1 Banana

1/2 cup fresh or frozen berry of choice – my favorite tends to be blueberry or raspberry

Milk – after adding ingredients fill to top of container. You can substitute dairy milk for almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk etc. it is really about works best for you.

Ice – a few cubes if desired but not necessary

VARIETY/ADD ON’s – to switch it up a bit, here are a few things I quickly add for a bit change. Follow the base recipe and add any of these either individually or mix and match.

Please note if you add both the peanut butter and cocoa powder it is pretty rich and tastes like a dessert.

Honestly, banana goes with just about any fruit and you can find a ton of smoothies featuring them.

1/2 to 1 whole small mandarin orange (peeled)

1 Tbsp. peanut or almond butter

1 Tbsp. cocoa powder or cocoa powder protein

A few slices of apple

A few slices of cucumber

A handful of seedless grapes

The great thing I have discovered about making smoothies is you can explore and have fun mixing different fruits and greens together.

There are a lot of wonderful recipes out there and I plan on sharing more as I find ones that I really like. Do you have a favorite breakfast smoothie? Please share in the comments below, I am always looking to try something new.









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