A Good Samaritan Took In the ‘Broken Cat’ and Changed Both Their Lives
Stray cats are a dime a dozen. They’re everywhere and there’s only so much one person can do. No matter how good of a good Samaritan you are, you can’t save them all.
Then, there are some that you just automatically connect with the moment you hear their meows and see their faces. I adopted a stray cat a few years back. It seemed like he was separated from his mother and siblings and he looked like he was only a couple weeks old. He was the perfect color of orange and gold despite looking obviously malnourished but, he was the sweetest thing. He walked towards me, rubbed his scrawny body against my leg and I knew I just had to have him.
This cat did the same for this good Samaritan.
This ginger colored cat showed strength and determination on his face. He was broken – incapable of doing normal things cats do yet, he moved people with his strength. Both his front legs are paralyzed but, he drags herself around like his life depended on that next step.

He crawled on his elbows leaving them swollen, skinned and bleeding. People just passed by him but one particular old lady took time to at least give him food and put ointment on his skinned elbows. The old lady then took him to the animal shelter where he could receive better medical care.

People at the shelter thought it was impossible to find someone who would adopt a broken cat but, fate brought this woman to this cat’s life.
She adopted him to live with her and her four other cats. He grew accustomed to the new environment where the ground no longer scrapes his elbows. This woman even took the time and the needed financial resources to put the cat through therapy and braces for his legs. He still drags himself around but the braces protect his skin and prevents further damage to his limbs.

Yes, it was very timely that they found each other. He gained a warm shelter and a loving owner while she gained another lifelong friend who will forever be thankful for making his life better.
Simply heart warming!