For The Love Of Mudmee Tie Dye
Mudmee tie dye is a dying technique that originated in Thailand. The colors and patterns achieved are amazing and truly a beautiful form of art. While I enjoy all different styles of tie dye, I love mudmee. I own a quite a few garments done in mudmee and I know my collection will only continue to grow.
As a matter of fact, here are some mudmee tie dye items I would love to see in my closet. All of these wonderful garments come from one of my favorite hippie clothes designer, Jayli. They always have an amazing line of mudmee tie dye clothes.
This mudmee top looks both lovely and comfortable. Love the cut too.
Love this darling mudmee dress with Kimono style sleeves. Feminine and beautiful.
This mudmee maxi skirt can easily be worn all year round. The side slit lets you show off your favorite boots in the colder months and keeps you cooler in the hotter months. Win-win.
A gorgeous long mudmee jacket like this one is perfect if you want to brighten up and add some flair to your outfit.
From what I understand, it is not that easy to achieve the beautiful look of mudmee tie dye and many artists of this technique tend to keep tight-lipped. Here is a short video Jayli made in Thailand that shows a small view into how they do it.