Beautiful Flower Mandalas
What Is A Mandala?
Mandalas are circular designs that represent and remind us all that we are part of the infinite and divine energy. It represents interconnectedness to all things and beings. The word Mandala literally translates to circle and it appears to us in many forms such as the moon, the sun, earth, other objects of nature and even extends to circles of friends, families and communities.
The circular design is symbolic for the idea that life never truly ends. It is the circle of life and beyond. Mandalas can be made by individuals or groups of people who are working together to create energy or focus on certain areas of their lives.
Mandalas can be created with many different objects and are often even hand drawn or colored in. They are made with flowers, stones, crystals, shells, sand and more. Each Mandala has its own meaning and energy depending on the creator(s) and can signify where one has been, where one is going, or what intentions are currently being worked on.
When working with a mandala the idea is to use it in a form of visual meditation with specific energies to gain a better understanding of an area in your life, or to work on the manifestation of certain intentions. Mandalas, to me, are also beautiful pieces of art. Visually stunning, it is easy to find yourself in a state of wonder when meditating upon these divine circular symbols. Here are some amazingly created flower mandalas to enjoy and hopefully inspire.
I cannot write this without mentioning, Kathy Klein, she is an artist that is well-known for creating stunning mandalas from nature and many of these are her creations.
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