9 Houseplants That Clean Air and Perfect for the Forgetful Growers

Did you know plants help relieve stress and keep you healthy even if you’re always locked in your musty mold-smelling office or in your city apartment?

I bet you already knew that and maybe that’s why you’re reading this piece. You want to find out what kind of plant you need to get. One that serves it’s purpose but does need a lot of care.

Well, we’ve got a list for you that’s backed up by NASA’s research. These plants are proven to remove pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia which are found in office cleaning products or car exhausts that seep through your windows.

Houseplants That Clean Air


This is a common houseplant for those who don’t have indoor cats or dogs. If you have indoor pets, please do not choose this plant. Although it’s very effective at removing harsh pollutants, it’s very toxic to cats and dogs. I have a few of these around my house but I put them where I’m sure my dogs can’t reach.


Aloe Vera is a very easy plant to grow. I’ve seen my mom literally just stick a stalk in the ground and it grew in a matter of a few weeks. It doesn’t need a lot of water so this would be perfect for those who are forgetful. It does it’s air-cleaning duties plus makes a perfect anti-inflammatory and cooling option.


If you want something that flowers, you can opt for a pot of mums. You can plant them right outside your window pane if there’s a space for pots. They come in different colors so you can mix and match and make your place brighter!


I also have this around my house. Most of them I put inside the bathroom because of it’s air cleaning abilities. You know how nasty the bathroom smell can be. They’re very easy to grow and not high maintenance at all.


I didn’t know lilies have this ability. Probably my mom knows since she has dozens of these. But, I wouldn’t have known had I not read this article.


I love this plant. My mom has a pretty big garden and she has a few pots of these. They grow to be 10 feet tall and looks great as background for pictures. And, they’re super adaptable to climate changes even with high humidity.


My favorite! I love the beauty and flexibility of bamboo. And because I’m Asian, I would choose this over the other houseplants on this list.


Being in a tropical region, many of these grow where I’ from. It loves humidity so it’s pretty easy to keep this alive. You also only need to water it every other day or so. Totally low-maintenance!


If you have the blackest of the blackest thumbs and have never been able to keep a plant alive, this is perfect for you. This is the hardest indoor plant to kill. It needs to be watered occasionally and prefers driers soil. Perfect, right?

There you have it, folks. Head on to your local greenhouse and get yourself one or two of these!

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