5 Awesomely Good and Easy Vegan Cheese Recipes Perfect for Health Watchers
There are no words to express how much I love cheese which is why I feel so sad for my friends who are lactose intolerant. They’ve had cheese but simply cannot always enjoy the salty and savory goodness it offers.
The moment I step into a buffet restaurant, I beeline for the antipasto section to check out their spread and if I see Brie, Gouda, Swiss and Provolone, then I am a happy baby.
But, for those who are health watchers and try their best to stay away from the fat cheese have, here are several awesomely good and easy recipes you can try at home!
Vegan Cheese Recipes

A staple selection for baked pastas and sandwich melts, mozzarella is a crowd favorite. And yes, high in fat. Making your own vegan mozzarella will make you feel less guilty about your next serving of cheesy lasagna. Check the recipe here.

I love using Gouda for grilled cheese sandwiches. This vegan cheese recipe already includes several herbs like basil, parsley and onions making it extra flavorful and perfect to pair with unflavored bread and crackers. Find the recipe here.