14 Sweet Ways To Celebrate The Summer Solstice
Summer Days Are On Their Way
The summer solstice is almost upon us, marking the longest day of the year and the beginning of the summer season. A lovely time of year, bringing with it the promise of longer days drenched in sunlight. The summer solstice is a time of love, creativity, friendship, health and wishes.
A great day to do something a little special to honor the sun and mother earth. You can go as big as throwing your own solstice celebration to doing a small yet sweet act or activity. Here are a few ideas:
- Create a Summer Solstice Altar in which you can add to, or change throughout summer for sending out positive intentions, creating and manifesting.
- Watch the sunrise/sunrise.
- Make and wear a flower crown.
- Enjoy a bonfire with friends and family. Summer solstice is often celebrated with a bonfire of fellowship to welcome in the warmer days and being able to share them with loved ones. Also symbolizes health and abundance for all.
- Bring a bouquet of sunflowers into your home.
- Give a silent oath to Mother Earth to do something helpful to the environment over the summer. Like pick up trash, conserve water or use no plastic.
- Manifest good things into your life by creating a summer bucket list.
- Make solar water by laying out a jar of it under the mid-day sun.
- Charge your crystals with the mid-day sun.
- Carry or wear gemstones associated with the summer solstice to welcome more of their energies and properties into your life. Such as Tiger’s Eye for protection, Carnelian for creativity, Rose Quartz for all types of love, Labradorite for your imagination and Citrine for prosperity.
- Make or buy a sun catcher and hang it where it will catch the suns rays all summer long..
- Eat fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- Pick wildflowers.
- Throw a Summer Solstice celebration in which you enjoy a meal as the sun sets.
How will you be spending the Summer Solstice? Do you have a favorite activity or ritual to do during it?
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